Thursday, October 16, 2008

So how many is 300,000 people

Of the approximately 300,000 people in Iceland 1/3rd live in Reykjavik, and a further 1/3rd live in the metropolitian area surrounding Reykjavik. The remaining 1/3rd are sparsely distributed in and around the smaller towns in Iceland.

The city of Reykjavic, Icelands largest city, has a population (118,000) making it comparable in size to that of the City of Waterloo, Ontario (114,700). If one adds in the population of the City of Kitchener, Ontario (204,668), one arrives at a population size comparable to that of all of Iceland.,_Ontario,_Ontario

I would not describe the population of the City of Waterloo, or even the combined population of the City of Kitchener-Waterloo as either large or unwieldy.

Would you?

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